
How long do socks usually need to be replaced

With the development of the times, people’s daily necessities are constantly being updated, and their pursuit of daily necessities is also increasing. Socks, as people’s daily necessities, also have many taboos. Today, Zhang Weichao’s sock knowledge class will share with you the best tips on how long to replace socks.

First: How long do socks need to be renewed

Socks are the most basic daily necessities for people, and many people do not pay special attention when wearing socks. In general, it is best not to wear socks continuously for more than three days. If you are someone who values personal hygiene, it is recommended that you change and wash socks every day to keep your feet dry, so as to extend the use time of socks. The lifespan of a pair of socks is about three months, because footsteps are the most likely to breed bacteria. If a sock is worn for more than three months, even if it is cleaned and stored in a storage cabinet, it can still breed bacteria. And these bacteria and viruses will be completely eliminated through ordinary thin strips, so the lifespan of a pair of socks is only about three months.

Secondly, methods for deodorizing socks

Many people have sweaty or smelly feet, which can make socks very smelly. To remove the odor from socks, you can choose to wash them with vinegar, which can remove the odor and also kill bacteria. Vinegar can kill many bacteria and ultimately make the taste of socks fresher.

People can also skillfully use toilet water, which is a relatively simple method. This method requires people to wash their socks clean and then sprinkle toilet water on them, which can remove the odor from the socks. This method is also popular among many people. When using this method, it is also necessary to drip some flower dew water into your shoes, so as to work together and prevent foot odor.

Thirdly, the washing method of socks

Many people choose to use a washing machine instead of washing socks by hand. In fact, washing socks with a washing machine can cause them to lose elasticity, leading to a decrease in toe elasticity. Therefore, people should try not to use a washing machine to clean socks. Washing socks with water can also improve their elasticity and make them softer. People with conditions should choose to wash clothes by hand, but nowadays people are relatively lazy and do not like to wash clothes manually. If you are such a person, you must try to avoid washing socks with other clothes as much as possible, only in this way can the bacteria on the socks not breed and spread to other clothes.

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