Folding method for socks
- Roll form method
Place one sock with the inside out, and put the sock with the inside out at the bottom. Roll it gradually from the tip of the sock to the top of the sock in a roll. Turn the bottom sock over and put it directly on the sock.

- Cross stacking method
Place the socks in a cross, with the toes folded towards the top of the sock. It is the same sock from the second step, with the top of the sock folded towards the toes. Use the remaining sock, with the toes folded over. Similar to the above steps, insert the toes into the sock tube. Inside, it’s beautiful and beautiful.
How to store socks
- First prepare a pair of old denim shorts and 2 rubber bands or ropes. Turn the two legs of the shorts inside out and tie them with elastic bands. Note: Rubber bands can be replaced with rope. Then turn the trouser legs back up. Hang the pants on a hanger, then hang the pants in the closet. When hung in the closet, the shorts can form a large bag. This bag has a very large space and is perfect for holding socks.
- Hang the paired socks on a hanger for easy access. You can easily find and choose which pair to wear.
- Prepare a sock storage box. If you don’t have one, you can make one yourself. Take a clean, appropriately sized paper bag, fold it and cut along this line to create a great sock storage box.