
The hazards of wearing shoes barefoot

I believe many friends have done it without socks and barefoot, but do you know the dangers of wearing shoes without socks?

1. Increase the chances of trauma and infection

Wearing shoes barefoot exposes a large amount of skin on the feet, making them susceptible to bruising or mosquito bites. Walking too much can also cause blisters on the feet. And the bacteria in the air can attach to the skin. If the skin wound is not treated in time, it can cause infection.

2. Easy to cause skin keratinization and dermatitis

Without wearing socks, direct contact between feet and shoes can easily cause the keratin layer on the heel, toes, and other areas that frequently come into contact with shoes to become thicker and longer, increasing the likelihood of calluses, also known as calluses and corns, occurring.

In addition, some people who walk barefoot for a long time may experience symptoms such as skin redness, papules, and blisters on the areas where the shoe rubs against the instep and toes. This is due to skin allergies to materials such as leather and rubber, which is a type of contact dermatitis.

3. Getting cold can easily cause foot diseases

The thin fat layer, poor insulation, and poor blood supply in the feet result in low skin temperature on the soles of the feet, making them highly susceptible to catching a cold. Once the feet catch a cold, it can reflexively cause the mucosal capillaries in the upper respiratory tract to contract, leading to a decrease in respiratory resistance. Bacteria in the air can take advantage of this and cause various diseases such as fever and cold. When it rains, getting cold barefoot can cause stomach pain, lower back and leg pain, and women can also experience dysmenorrhea.

So, don’t give up wearing socks just for convenience. Although you may be in a hurry to go out, remember not to wear shoes barefoot.

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